Flohmarkt - Onlineshop


Donnerstag, Januar 10, 2013

the shabby shelf...

Once in the evening I was going thru the online craigslist hours and hours and wuupp this ugly dirty shelf felt into my eyes. 7 days later after thinking a long time, what i could do with this old furniture I bought it for just 1$. 

Now it's mine! 

After 1 week scrapping, painting, thinking and waiting in the garage for the paint to dry, it turns out pretty nice, i think.

Now it's full with napkins, candles, decorationstuff and games.


Today is the day...

...the start of my own blog. was thinking months about it but now i made it. yeah!!

just came back from work and the weather is pretty awfull. 
half snowing half raining and cold. ok what to do?
going to the kitchen and make a delicious healthy breakfast to enjoy and thinking about new shabby ideas.

in the morning
granola, cranberries, skimmilk, kiwi, 1cup coffee