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Donnerstag, Februar 07, 2013

the mason jar labels...

new organised pantry

I like when everything is pretty organised and colourfulWe've got so many jars with ingredients like cornflakes, crunchymüesli, backsoda, trailmix, proteinpowder, pasta, rice, lentils and so on in our kitchen. 

And what happens when you have so much stuff in the kitchen? You can't find it if it's not organised. That's why i like when they are named. 

For that i was searching in the internet for some nice ideas to name all my jars. And look what i found some lovely free jar printables already named or blank if you wish to fill in your own product names in the language of your choice

I just used a semi-gloss photo paper and a printer. So let's do it.

new organised pantry

new organised hot chocolate bar

It took me ages to print, cut and laminate them but i think this has paid off!
They perfectly fit on all the glass jars. Best are 250ml or smaller once. If you have larger jars you can handle it with copie-paste and make them wider and print them out as well. 

I laminate them, so they hold longer away the dirt and they are still nice nearly after one year in the busy kitchen!

new organised pantry

These labels are available in all different colours to match every kitchen.

If you wanna do this for yourself please go to this homepages for downloading the awesome printable mason jar labels!