Flohmarkt - Onlineshop


Montag, Februar 18, 2013

The shabby finds...

...I am so happy i moved into this little village. Here you can find so many little surprises. Especially on two days per week. We call it the trashdays. There is a recyclingcenter in the middle of the village which hides so many good things! You just need a little bit of luck and a good eye.

Vintage tea service for two

It's unbelievable what people throw into the garbage. So sweet things other people probably would pay a lot for. And most of the time the stuff looks pretty new! No cuts, no paint comes away, no dirt on it.
It's nearly better then any fleamarkets or craigslists, and its for free!
Oh...i love second hand stuff.

Like this I always have some new deco material for our home or some new stuff to remodel. And when I get bored about something, I go there again and get some new stuff :) It's a small surprise box with big goods in there.
My boy and my mum are pretty much into it too!
How funny is that.

let's bake some cakes

or a lovely tarte for the love <3