Flohmarkt - Onlineshop


Samstag, April 27, 2013

new wall color...

flowers from the garden

finally we made it. After thinking weeks about a new wall color for our entry room and basement stairs we found a beautiful one.


me at hard work
Today was the perfect day to do some paint work. I jumped into my white jeans, oh they are perfect to paint. You can wipe all the colors on them with no bad conscience and after a work is done they always look different with more paint on it. 

After a couple of hours my boy and I finished the walls with no paintspots or stupid shadows, I think we can call us little paint pros.


For our good hard work ;) we are going out tonight, to our friends concert, the ZIBBZ near our town yeahhh. It's going to be a blaaaast. 

*Have a nice evening*

2 Kommentare:

  1. whoop whoop- can't wait to come visit you, Andi and your lovely home soon again :o*


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