Flohmarkt - Onlineshop


Sonntag, Juni 23, 2013

Our kitchen remodel...

Kitchen before

3D Kitchenplaner

My dad, mum and boyfriend worked for 3 days to transform our old tight kitchen into a new open large modern kitchen. I was planing the whole thing about 1 year ago on my computer in a 3D kitchenplaner tool. 
Now we finally made it happened. We are so happy with it. I am proud my dad can do and know so much different things. Some safe electrician stuff, carpenter, plumbing. We did everything on our self and we've saved so much money. My mum cleaned all the kitchen cabinets and fronts, I am glad I did not have to do that also.

Now five people can stand in the kitchen and prepare a delicious dinner. Before you don't even think about that, maximum one person was alright two persons were already a big mess. 

At the beginning

Dishwasher is already gone for a while

Beside the dishwasher under the new breakfast bar I bought a new sideboard from Ikea for some cookbooks, decoration etc. It has now the perfect length for two people sitting there. The beech wood we bought for some good $$ :). I sanded and painted it with a pre paint, sanded it again and finished it twice with a high-solid paint.

For the microwave my dad fixed from an old closet we didn't use anymore a new cabinet with an extra shelfboard in it for breakfast goods.

Kitchen after

The only thing we still have to do is the floor. But not now, it can wait for some time. The parquet floor is already in the basement waiting for his use but we still have to cut out the rest of the concrete from the floor. 

But first we enjoy the summer and then other things can come.


1 Kommentar:

  1. yeah! it looks amazing! congratulations shabbychicmess helen :o)


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