Flohmarkt - Onlineshop


Sonntag, Oktober 05, 2014

Vegan Mozzarella...

...try this recipe it's so good and tasty you not even feel the different between normal diary cheese and this one. It's easy to prepare and really healthy.

For one ball you need:

50g cashew nuts 
(soak them for 2h in water to get rid of all the dirty stuff, after drain water away)
200ml water and 1 tablespoon powdered psyllium seed husk 
(let it sit for 2h to get a wobbling mass)

1 tablespoon lemonjuice

little bit of salt, pepper

After two hours put everything into a mixer, mix it until smooth, fill it into a little round bowl and let it sit for another hour in the refrigerator put it up side down et voilà your homemade vegan mozzarella is done.

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